Did you know that your thoughts are not the truth?
Did you know you can change your emotional state?
Your emotions are your experience of chemicals flowing through your brain and body, and you can learn to hack these and have more choice in how you feel.
I get up every morning to help people live their best life. We are all human.
I’m a human being. You’re a human being.
Learn how to use this biology and energy effectively using the latest neuroscientific understanding.
Together we can leave any place (and interaction or relationship) better than we found it.
Thank you wonderful Sarah Amy Glensor Best, it is an honour to be part of this group and be guided by your immense knowledge, skills, talents, kindness and your contagious optimism. It’s thanks to all you do that the world is a much better place already. You have all my respect and admiration {heart emoji}.
She’s a real inspiration for all of us to become a much better version of ourselves, better humans, better parents. That is true fact!
Mum of three young children - 2021
A Powerful Positive Woman & Life Coaching Client - Lower Hutt, 2023
Testimonials are quoted from written references, available upon request.
A number of people Sarah has worked with before are happy to be contacted as verbal referees.
Join the movement of powerful living, parenting and communication. Learn how to get REAL, be REAL, live REAL - being Responsible, Energised, Aware and Loving parents and human beings - and use REAL to enjoy the fruits of robust, no-regrets parental & life decision-making.
16 May to 4 June 2024 sees me travelling to Dhaka, Bangladesh to train hundreds of people in great relationships, communication and making the most of being human.
This journey is sponsored by WSDA NZ - Workplace Skills Development Academy.
Look out for Blogs, Posts and Email Updates for this amazing training adventure...
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