Meeting wonderful new friends every day. Amazing joys amidst the trials...
Being here in Dhaka, Bangladesh, has been challenging for my body, with the heat and my very upset tummy, along with the 3x 30-person daily workshop facilitation schedule - where we are inspiring who mindset shifts and questioning of life practices - not simple. To get through this time of challenges and actually enjoy the new experiences, has taken some real mindset awareness and ownership. I've had lots of practice taking responsibility for how my thoughts create my feelings and influence my actions, which then ripple back to impacting my thoughts. I could have decided "I can't do this" and created such a pitiful victim experience that WSDA NZ would have felt compelled to send me home early. I could have held onto a sense of "This is not a place I want to be" and then I would have found plenty of evidence to support this decision - as we always can, no matter what is going on in our lives. I chose to go with "Wow, this is tough, I'm doing so great with help from so many amazing people. What stories I will have to share when I return home." And so it has been.
Along with mindset management for my thoughts, it's also been crucial to notice, recognise and respond to what my body is needing. When I am going into a state of stress response, what can I do? First is to notice this is happening, as early as possible, and without any judgement. Second is to KNOW that this is a normal reaction my body has to things I am not used to AND I can do something about this. Thirdly is to BREATHE, and practice PRA: Present, Relaxed, Allowing all emotions. The BREATHE some more. Then I can think more clearly about what else my body may be needing to calm, reset and take healthy steps.
NB: In my first round of creating this post I chose to self manage by going to bed as I felt extremely tired and wrung out. Rather than forcing myself to complete this blog I chose to take some rest. (This plan to complete this post later would have worked better had I not then encountered several days of patchy internet and long, intense days.) Anyway, here are we again now, reviewing days 9 & 10 a week on...
I've just gone for my shower, toilet & teeth to the communal bathroom, 20m or so from my bedroom through communal area. These are things that I am needing to consider in addition to my usual experience of bedtime routines, on this nightly journey, while here:
So much happens on auto-pilot that we take for granted. No wonder I'm so tired on this stay here. There is so much that I'm needing to think about and take double or treble effort to enact compared to what I would at home. Add to that the heat, the sickness, the gruelling schedule, socially, linguistically & professionally intense work I'm doing ... yeah OK, makes sense.
Check out section below for why this picture is of interest to me...
My original play hearts
On the first morning I arrived I'd finished my breakfast early and was awaiting my ride to the East-West University Youth Summit with WSDA NZ. I looked at the green pinboard and felt inspired to play. Someone had arranged the pins in a heart shape. I added some other pins around it to accentuate the heart. (see photo to left)
This afternoon I returned from a full on day of training - working with 3 groups of 30 people in each - and I looked up from my meagre dinner (still on plain foods due to my upset tummy) and saw this lovely design (above) - Cupid's arrow.
Who has stolen whose heart? Who is infatuated? Or who, like me, simply likes to play?
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