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Learned Helplessness
A devastating side effect of helping people who don’t need your help. Consider that tweaks could be made as to when to help – or comment, or take over, or criticise, judge or teach…
Ngā Hui ā-Whare – Playcentre 2024
The most critical human need is to feel seen, heard and respected. An experience of supporting the coming together of many passionate and powerful women, mothers, leaders, and the emergence of that magic which occurs when we work interdependently.
Two women smiling for selfie
Dhaka Day 9-10
Meeting wonderful new friends every day. Amazing joys amidst the trials...
Dhaka Day 7 & 8: Loss & Love, Ease & Joy
An intense two days of NZ and Bangladesh experiences. Delights and sorrows. Learnings and changes for the future. As always, surrounded by wonderful people.
Sarah wielding machete and holding green coconut
Dhaka Day 5 & 6: Communication & Coconuts
The show must go on. Both of us a little under the weather but we brought the house down with dynamic co-facilitation of the first of 7 amazing days with this organisation. Then crashed...
Electrolytes and fizzy
Day 4: Dhaka Tucker & Toilet Toils
It's not all fun and workshops and "traffic tourism". Sometimes it suddenly all goes wrong...
Sarah ready for work in Bangla-style dress
Dhaka Day 3: Ahmed, can I see a tiger?
Making the most of being here and finding it difficult at the same time
Dhaka street and phone cables
Dhaka Day 2: Lost in Translation
Being a foreigner amongst friends and colleagues who know the subtleties that I can't always comprehend.
Whiteboard for communication training
Dhaka Day 1: World Famous in Bangladesh
Universal truths about the joys and pitfalls of communication. First full day in Tour de Dhaka.

Sarah Amy Glensor Best

+64 21 1174 899

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