It's not all fun and workshops and "traffic tourism". Sometimes it suddenly all goes wrong...
Warning re: today’s update from me – body fluids alert. Consider yourself sufficiently warned...
So much for the fresh undies... I’ve had a night from hell.
After eating another flash lunch with the MD of a big firm yesterday, I began to feel “off” in the afternoon while still having meetings. Several trips to the bathroom ensued and I let Ahmed know I needed to get home. The company found me some appropriate medicine and I made it home to the guest house ok. But more was yet to come...
All got worse and worse towards and over night. There were multiple toilet trips with stools becoming more and more awful. I was so tired and sick I just fell into bed upon arriving home and sort-of slept. Completely missed dinner, it sat there at “my table” lonely and untouched until at some point after 9pm it was tidied away.
As the hours wore on I stumbled many more times to and from the communal bathroom. I gave up trying to cover myself “appropriately” and just went to and from in my above knee nightie. Too hard and hot to dress more conservatively. I found myself feeling grumpy about the burden of responsibility, for what men experience of women's bodies, being on the women to dress conservatively, rather than on the men to not look and/or control their urges. (I do understand that it’s likely WAY more complex than that. I just focused on that negative viewpoint while in my time of tummy-terror. Stuff them all!!!)
At 1am I nearly passed out while on the loo, while also wondering whether I was going to vomit on the floor while I was overcome with diarrhoea.
----I so love how my Aunty (who teaches English As a Second Language) years ago taught me to spell diarrhoea like this: “Drop It And Run, Run Hard Or Else Accident” – it really works, you’ll never spell it wrong again, and boy is it accurate!
My head in a swirling heat haze, my vision closing in, body barely able to hold itself upright, I realised I was probably severely dehydrated. I managed to clean myself up and not vomit, and slowly navigated my swaying, nearly blacking-out body back to my room. On the way one time I spotted a lone and unopened bottle of water - 🙏🏼Allah🙏🏼 again, Alhamdulillah, as I was so very thirsty, was all out of bottled water and I cannot just go to the tap when I want to drink. I don’t know whether it was planted there by angels or I just hadn’t seen it the whole time, but boy was I grateful! I managed to make some more electrolytes from the “Gastro kit” I had bought for my Rwanda “Women Deliver” trip last year, and thankfully not required.
Later I had to waken the guest house helper guy, Firoz, and ask for more water - “I need two”, I slurred. I’m sure I was looking quite the sight. I made my last two electrolyte drinks and sipped them through the rest of the night in between bathroom visits and snatches of sleep. Morning came and I still felt terrible. Add my neck/shoulder/back nerve pinch pain and I reckon I’d been pretty much at my lowest point ever 😔.
Auē! Oh and in the morning I had to strip my bed as some sneaky sneaks leaked out and soiled the sheet and mattress. I clumsily cleaned the mattress using the sheet, a little of my precious water and antibacterial hand cleaner as best I could. Rather embarrassing. That’s life, huh?
Ever buoyant of spirit, reframing my thoughts (most of the time) and having a high level of trust in the universe, despite the low I felt sure that it would all work out fine eventually - Insha Allah. I nibbled a very plain breakfast and settled back in bed after a cooling shower. More electrolytes were delivered from the WSDA team and I again felt grateful for having the various meds on hand. And more could come at a call – as long as the wifi was working (make note of this fair reader). I spent a quiet day, gently does it. Thik ache (it's all good).
And then...
At one point later in the day I felt rather alone and missing my Mum: my dinner hadn’t magically appeared on my table, I was out of bottled water again, the wifi was down so I couldn’t contact the WSDA team nor my family & friends at home, the guest house guy’s room was empty (not just that he wasn’t there, all his stuff had been cleared out too! … I later discovered he’d moved rooms as a new guest was arriving for that room), and my knickers sported a pathetic little skid mark from not running hard enough one time.
Ah, what to do, what to do? It was then I recalled I’d brought some water purification tablets from home, for when my family goes bush and drinks untreated water. Hallelujah! I gingerly filled my biggest drink bottle with tap water and plunk! the wee wonder-pill floated slowly down to the bottom, leaving a delightful little air bubble trail behind it. A tiny oasis of hope & joy amidst the despair & struggle.
Never has a half hour felt sooooo long – watching paint dry and all. I decided to forget about trying to track down my dinner, I wasn’t hungry anyway. Finally the water was sufficiently cleaned and I could continue to bring life back to my dehydrated blood and cells.
That night I, amazingly, managed to enjoy the best and longest sleep (7 hours) I’d had since my arrival (4 days before) and woke feeling somewhat ready for Ahmed's and my first big day of workshop facilitating - which I FAR prefer to meetings and networking and all that set up stuff. Well, I was sort of ready, but that's for the next story.
----NB: I’m still experiencing the “Drop It And Run…” (you know the rest) and it’s now Dhaka Day 6.
Dear Reader, I hope it was ok with you that I have shared my shitty time in this post.
I guess it's too late now. Sorry.
Well, sort of. You didn’t have to weather this storm… (oof, there I go again, still somewhat grumpy and judgy. Good to notice...)
Apart from Dhaka-Tucker-Gate I’ve been really enjoying my time here. I think I’m more at peace with the differences and discomforts than I was last time – more present. My body goes still and peaceful when I hear the calls to prayer throughout the day - even the 4am ones 😜.
People and (errr, most) foods are really amazing. The work is super challenging and enjoyable - though so far there has been very little rest time. I was very relieved that the today turned out to be a no-work day, it wasn’t going to be, in the original plan – so I didn’t have to take a sick day from the WSDA training sessions. Yet another quirk of the universe I’m grateful for.
I’m loving the traffic tourism that is observing the wild traffic (while in it!) and NOT being the driver on these fun-park-ride car journeys. I even crossed a busy road on foot with Ahmed yesterday and survived 😁. (more on the traffic tomorrow)
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